Does racism exist in the media towards black sportspeople? If so how are stereotypes being used?
The mass media have come to be an integral, all encompassing aspect of life. Whether it is watching television, reading a newspaper or surfing the net, the media have become an inherent part of the fabric of contemporary society. Many have argued then, (Biggs and Cobley, 1998) that it is the media who are responsible […]
Annual training programme for Louise Barnes
Introduction: To create a successful training programme it is imperative that it is based on sound empirical theories and methodology. The specific athlete in this case is Louise Barnes who is a basketball player looking to peak for competition during the months January to April. Before the programme is devised, a needs assessment will be […]
The impact of a passive warm-up on power output
Introduction Field-based team sports, such as field hockey, rugby union, rugby league and soccer are hugely popular sports worldwide. The majority of athletes incorporate some form of warm-up into all practice and competition situations, little however is understood about the advantages of this action. A number of alternative warm-ups have been suggested in recent years. […]
Critically examine how Government's attitude and policy towards sport has changed and evolved over the last 25 years.
How do we define the concept of sport? Usually the words leisure, play, free-time, competition and physical activity spring to mind. However, researchers generally struggle to agree on a generic definition of what constitutes sport. Coakley (2004) however defines sport as an “institutionalised and competitive range of activities that involve vigorous physical exercise or the […]
Principles and Theories of Pilates and Modern Day Modifications
Pilates was developed in the 1920’s by a German born fitness fanatic called Joseph. H. Pilates. During his childhood Pilates is suffered from many illnesses and is believed to have been a frail child suffering from ailments such as Asthma and Rheumatic fever and it is this that led to his determination to overcome these […]
Contemporary Issues of racism in football, with a detailed insight of male adolescents’ perspective
The subject of racism in football is a controversial and pertinent topic and by investigating further, many issues that underlie this deplorable subject have been raised. These extend far and wide, from the local communities where adolescent footballers start their careers and the social and economic groups they reside in, to the supporters, right up […]