Pilates was developed in the 1920’s by a German born fitness fanatic called Joseph. H. Pilates. During his childhood Pilates is suffered from many illnesses and is believed to have been a frail child suffering from ailments such as Asthma and Rheumatic fever and it is this that led to his determination to overcome these through his drive for fitness work (Robinson and Thomson, 1999, pg 14). He first came across fitness work after moving to England and being placed in confinement due to his nationality at the outbreak of the First World War (Robinson and Thomson, 1999, pg 14). Whilst he was incarcerated he developed a fitness programme for his fellow prisoners to improve their health and fitness levels. It wasn’t until he moved to America that he opened his first fitness studio in 1923 in New York that became popular with dancers and performers due to the individual programmes that were geared towards the individuals needs. This quickly became known as ‘The Pilates Method’ (Robinson and Thomson, 1999, pg 14). His main intention at this time was to work the mind and body simultaneously through a unique sequence of movements (www.pilatesinsight.com). The following quote is further evidence of what Joseph Pilates set out to achieve with his exercise technique
“The attainment and maintenance of a uniformly developed body with a sound mind, fully capable of naturally performing our many daily tasks with spontaneous zest and pleasure.”
This works by being able to understand how your body works enabling your body and mind to work in harmony. The main focus of Pilates is to build your body’s core strength and posture through a series of repetitive exercises. Through these exercises the body’s flexibility and agility improves while toning the stomach and thighs without adding bulk. Although the Pilates technique has been around since the 1920’s it is only since the late 1980’s early 90’s that it became really popular due to the press coverage it began to command due to the perceived endorsement of celebrities.
There are several main principles behind Pilates which will be looked at in more detail along with the vital elements of the technique, the modifications that have been made and how these modifications tie in with the modern day practice.
Originally there were six main principles of Pilates, these being breath, concentration, control, centring, precision and flow.
Key to Pilates is breathing correctly shown in his quote “above all…..learn to breathe correctly.” (Ungaro, Saturday Evening Post; Jan/Feb2006, Vol. 278 Issue 1, pp72-74) Breathing correctly is important as it increases circulation and oxygenates the blood so by breathing in a correct structure while doing Pilates the movements will be easier and enhanced. The correct structure for the breathing as a general rule of thumb is to breathe in while preparing to do the exercise/movement and breathe out while executing it. The inhalations should be deep and full breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth (Ungaro, Saturday Evening Post; Jan/Feb2006, Vol. 278 Issue 1, pp72-74). These full breathes get the blood pumping round the body, stimulating the cells in the body and carrying the waste products that are related to fatigue away (Robinson and Thomson, 1998, pg20).
Concentration is also important to Pilates. This simply means to focus solely on the task in hand and not allow your mind to wander onto something else, directing your body through the exercise. Pilates requires you to be aware of how you are moving and to focus your mind on each and every movement you make (Robinson and Thomson, 1999, pg 17). This develops your body’s sensory feedback by working on the neurological pathways and the messages your brain is sending to the muscles being used.
Pilates often referred to his method as ‘The Art of Control’. This is important to Pilates as by practicing and developing control it reduces the risk of injury and prepares the body for the rigours of everyday life.
To perform the exercises correctly and to get the best out of them a strong centre is needed. This principle is referred to as ‘centring’. The centre is the cornerstone from which all the movements come from, no movements occur without this strong and stable centre (Ungaro, Saturday Evening Post; Jan/Feb2006, Vol. 278 Issue 1, pp72-74). The centre is described by Ungaro (2006) as “the wideband of midsection from the navel round to the lower back, extending from just below the ribs to just above the buttocks”. Improving the centre results in better posture, stability, balance and control as well as bringing a sense of wellbeing due to the healthier pelvic floor muscles brought about by the body and mind working in tandem (Reyneke, 2002, pg70). One of the muscles used in ‘centring’ is the Tranversus Abdominis which is rarely used in other exercise programmes but has been proven to be crucial in the stabilisation of the lumbar spine (Robinson and Thomson, 1998 pg23).
The precise positioning of parts of the body is essential in the effectiveness of the Pilates method. By focusing intently on carrying out the exercises as perfectly as possible the overall benefits of the exercises will be enhanced. The precise nature of the movements result in them being smoother, leading us onto the principle of flow.
Flow is the one principle that is said to set the Pilates method apart from other exercise programmes (Ungaro, 2006). By concentrating on the flow of each movement and the flow from one movement to the other balance, control and co-ordination will be improved, again preparing the body for the rigours of everyday life. If the movements are carried in a smooth, flowing manner; injuries, such as muscle strains, are less likely to occur (Robinson and Thomson, 1998, pg 22)
However, as times have moved on, bringing with it a change in lifestyle and attitudes, the Pilates method has also developed and is reflected in the fact that it now has eight main principles. The majority of the original principles mentioned above are still around today added to some new ones. Concentration, breathing, flow and centring are four of the eight principles with relaxation, co-ordination, alignment and stamina bringing Pilates into the modern world.
Relaxation, according to Robinson and Thomson (1998) is one of the most important skills needed for Pilates. Relaxation allows the movements to be smooth and reduces the risk of injury while allowing you to get into the correct position increasing the benefits of the exercise. This is achieved with the right combination of relaxation and concentration (Robinson and Thomson, 1998, pg16) an original principle working simultaneously with a new principle to help the exercises aid the rigours of modern life. Another new principle that ties in with the original principle of concentration is that of co-ordination. Pilates is a method of exercise that works the mind and the body and it is the use of the mind that aids the co-ordination principle. The brain sends messages to the sensory nerve endings that enable movement and it is the repetition of these movements that helps to improve co-ordination. Naturally some people have better co-ordination than others but that is not to say that those with poor co-ordination cannot participate in Pilates, co-ordination will improve with the repetition of the exercises.
The alignment of the body is also a new principle and is related to the posture of the body and this affects the general health and well being of the individual (Robinson and Thomson, 1998, pg 18). Body weight is transferred through the centre of the body and if the weight is displaced away from the centre then strains are put upon the muscles and joints. With the specific positioning of certain limbs during the exercises Pilates aims to realign the body. This will result in a reduced risk of injury. The building up of the postural muscles i.e. the ‘core’ muscles, which help with body alignment, can be brought about through the element of stamina. This is the eighth and final additional principle according to Robinson and Thomson (1998, 1999). It is the aim of the Pilates method to gradually build up the stamina of the muscles and in particular the ‘core’ muscles through the repetition of the movements and regular practice (Robinson and Thomson, 1998, pg24). Through the practise of the Pilates method, physical and mental stamina will improve. However there are alternative ideas about the number of principles that are central to Pilates as highlighted by Reyneke (2002). As well as the principles mentioned above as the original and modernised principles Reyneke has identified a ninth principle. This principle is ‘isolation and integration’ (Reyneke, 2002, pg 68). In accordance with the belief of Reyneke Pilates exercises reorganize and recuperate by isolating those parts of the body that suffers from imbalance then integrates the movements of that body area into the smooth running of the whole body (Reyneke, 2002, pg 68). This occurs through working on one side of the body first then following this up by repeating the same exercise on the other side of the body. For example, the stretching of the right hip would be followed by the stretching of the left hip resulting in the exercising of the Illiopsoas muscle on the right then the Illiopsoas muscle on the left side. This ensures that as you work each body part the movement is equal to that of the same muscle on the opposite side (Reyneke, 2002, pg 68).
As the lifestyle has changed and is now very different from in the past, physical problems are no longer the same meaning changes have had to come into the Pilates method. Stress is now more prevalent and there are more jobs that tie people down to desks which can bring about Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI), this has resulted in exercises being adapted and new exercises being brought in to prepare the body. (Robinson and Thomson, 1999, pg 15). In addition to the different lifestyle, the advancement in research in the medical world also contributes to the modifications that have taken place in the Pilates technique. With these advances injuries are easier to diagnosis as are the likely causes of the injuries, this in turn means that if the cause of injury is known then it can be prevented. The perfect example in how Pilates has adapted for modern living is the addition of the principle of alignment. As mentioned above, more jobs are now based behind a desk, resulting in a higher risk of bad posture and damaging body alignment. So in that respect, the addition of the principle of alignment is a very clever one and one that is needed. The addition of the principle of relaxation is also a necessary one due to the increase in stress levels in modern times. It is essential to be relaxed when doing Pilates to reduce the chances of sustaining an injury so it is important that when starting the exercises that they are in a relaxed state. This wont have been needed when stress levels in past times weren’t as high or prevalent so is a good indication of how the vital elements of the Pilates technique has transformed with modern practice. Perhaps the biggest modification however is the way in which many original exercises have been adapted and simplified to make the Pilates method available to a wider range of people as opposed to the dancers and performers and such likes who used their bodies for their living (Robinson and Thomson, 1999, pg 15) that graced his first studio back in 1923. Nevertheless these new elements and modifications of modern day Pilates could not work without the original principles that were already in place. To get results from Pilates all the elements need to work together so although there has been modifications that have brought Pilates in line with the needs of modern times, the original elements are still vitally important and it shows that the original and modified elements of Pilates can work together resulting in Pilates being arguably the most popular and successful fitness regime around today.